Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Saturday I had to put to sleep my 9-yr. old cat Isis, creating a reoccurring thought of mine that happens every time I must make this very difficult choice. It's one that rings in many peoples' thoughts and creates violent opinions on both sides of the issue. It's this: Why can we make this gift of peace to our animals - both those we've loved for years and total "stranger" creatures - and yet not be able to offer the same gift to those who can voice to us their wishes and desires, without having to rely on a "pet psychic" to possibly tell us what we want to hear?

I know what I did was right, as I've known every time I've had to do this terrible act of love. Had I been able to do the same for my parents, I would have known as well - without depending on some governmental official to give me permission. My father begged my mother to be released from his constant, terrible pain from Cancer. My mother begged us to "leave her alone" - to stop feeding her, stop medicating her, just STOP! Why couldn't we? What makes them so less able to receive release than our pets? All they can receive is a "DNR" - do not resuscitate, and that only really happens if they stop breathing on their own and no attempt is made to bring them back. A small shot, that's all it takes. Something to help them sleep and start their journey on to another side.

If it's only because an animal can't vocalize their wishes, that's untrue. Isis stopped eating and began hiding away in small places. Imagine waking up one morning to find your beloved companion hiding behind the toilet? Having them growl at you every time they needed their medicine? Is that clear enough? Most humans can at least communicate in some way - verbally, written, sign language - even blinking. I'm not advocating killing someone because it's more convenient for the family. Less expensive, less time consuming, less trouble. That's just wrong - but those are often the reasons behind putting our pets to sleep. Lord knows, I spent plenty on Isis just to get her to a point to bring her home. But people (most of the time) have insurance. Animals rarely do.

I'm just saying that humans should be given the same right to death as animals. They can tell us what they want, make their own plans even, for a gentler ending than is typically available. Why must humans suffer, just because the government has decided that it's right that we do? Is it because the hospitals, drug companies, insurance companies, and some doctors each need to get their pound of blood money? Lord knows they all have a piece of the action of dying. Granted, there are those that say it's just playing God. But what of the extraordinary measures some organizations take to make sure we live? If not for those, the person wouldn't live. Is that not also playing God? Why is allowing to die considered playing God but making one live isn't?

I know that there are those who would look at me with disgust for my views. Many of you have never had to watch a human loved one die from a long disease. I pray you never have to. But one day, if you do - remember my words and search your own soul. It may even be for your own sake. And pray that society has changed. Because you really don't want to be in that situation. At least your pets will never have to be.

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